Everything you need to be great
is already inside you
Darren Hardy
Sometimes a group of people has difficulty working as a team, which in turn can undermine your business. Your team might be affected by issues like individuals under-performing, or a struggle to see the bigger picture. It might have to do with a change in your company structure, like the incorporation of two departments.
If these issues sound familiar, my team development package might be the solution you need. With my help, your team can pull together and start to work effectively for your business.

I help teams to understand themselves and each other, using tools such as Myers Briggs Type Indicator and Strengthscope. Firstly team members complete the questionnaire and receive an individual feedback session with me - this helps them understand themselves. We then bring the team together for a fun, interactive session to explore the differences and similarities between team members, and how they can work together more effectively.
Jackie has helped my team get to know each other using MBTI as a tool. Through these sessions we have learned more about ourselves and the others in the team and thought about how our preferences impact the way we work together. This has led to greater understanding and co-operation. Jackie facilitates fun and engaging sessions, which helped to put the team at ease and she brought many pearls of wisdom to helping the team with challenges we face. R C - Group Head, Ethics & Compliance